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Saturday, December 31, 2016

Something Saturdays (12/31/16)

Well well is New Year's Eve. Can you believe it??! What are you doing tonight?

But let's go back to the last holiday-how was your Christmas or Hanukkah or Kwanzaa? Ours was ok, honestly we've had better holidays. BUT we enjoyed our time with each other, which is important. Then Michael had Monday off so we spent a much needed day of rest AND THEN went and shopped an after-Christmas sale and bought a new pre-lit beautiful Christmas tree. I love it and I love thinking of our future kids running down the stairs to see that tree. We then celebrated our tree purchase with burgers at Menches Brothers (they claim to have invented to the hamburger). Wednesday I had a new separate stand-up freezer delivered (which was much needed!) and then I spent some time with my cousins Emily and Audrey (and their brother Ryne) and their mom and dad Chris and Rob. Emily lives in NY, Audrey is doing the traveling nurse thing, so it was so fun to spend some time with them while they're in town. We're actually going over there for their New Year's Eve party tonight. Thursday my brother and his girlfriend got into town (they're in the airforce and stationed in Hawaii and they just spent the last week in Nebraska with her family so now they're here for just shy of a week!) I'm SO happy they're here! Yesterday my mom held an open house party for anyone who wanted to see them to come over and hang so after I was done with work Michael and I went over there too-it was cuhrrrrazy and fun. Today I'm working, then we have about 3 parties to hit (which is so weird-I'm used to doing nothing on NYE). Tomorrow we're celebrating a belated Christmas with my mom, Josh (brother), and Jillian (brother's gf). It should be fun fun fun!

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

My Favorite 16 Recipes of 2016

My Favorite 16 Recipes of 2016

2016 is drawing to a close (and I think we can all agree that it is FINALLY almost over) and 2017 approaches. Which means it's time for me to share my favorite recipes of this past year. But first, if you're interested, here are my round ups from previous years:

Now without further ado, in no particular order...

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Something Saturdays (12/24/16)

MERRY CHRISTMAS EVE! (For all who celebrates Christmas, and Happy Holidays to everyone!)

What are ya doing? What are your traditions? I always love hearing about different people's holiday traditions!

Last weekend we started the festivities-Saturday was with Michael's mom and siblings (it was ok, his youngest brother and sister had to leave after like an hour to go to their dad's. Presents were fun though! We got some awesome stuff and I think everyone liked what we gave them!). Sunday we had Christmas with Michael's dad's extended family, we didn't get to stay nearly long enough but it was fun! Then we went to my mom's extended family's Christmas and that was fun too :) Yesterday was Michael's sister's birthday, so we hung out with her and his mom a bit. Today we're going to lunch with my dad's family (unfortunately we're going to this random, okayish, restaurant that they're all obsessed with. This is extra sad because my grandma's cooking is the best part of any holiday with that family and we don't get any this year *sigh*, darnit.) and then we're going to Michael's dad's tonight to hang with them and his stepmom's fam. Tomorrow we're going to try to relax and enjoy the morning, I plan on making a big breakfast (I'm thinking waffles, bacon, skillet potatoes...maybe eggs too?) Then we'll go over to Michael's stepmom's family and then to his mom's side of the family later on. My brother and his girlfriend are in Nebraska with her family this week but next week they'll be here and we're gonna celebrate with them and my mom then :D


Friday, December 23, 2016

Happy Holidays 2016

Happy Holidays my loves! I hope it is full of love, food, family, friends, and just happiness <3

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Glazed Lemon Blueberry Scones

Glazed Lemon Blueberry Scones
When we made our move, Michael's mom brought some lemon blueberry scones to snack on. Nobody ate them sooo we had leftovers and Michael had them for breakfast on weekday mornings. After they were gone, he requested I make him a homemade version. And it had been SO LONG since I'd last made scones-so of course I agreed!
Glazed Lemon Blueberry Scones
One thing that was a must was that these scones MUST not be super dry. Michael likes a moist (ew I knew everyone hates that word) scone. And this recipe definitely fit that bill! They have a beautiful crumble but aren't all dry and...well...crumbly. The glaze also helps add extra insurance against over-dryness.
Glazed Lemon Blueberry Scones
So yeah...pretty petty scones with a zesty sweet lemon glaze. The perfect thing to serve for brunch or breakfast or to gift to people you like! Or your hubby. As was my situation...and it was less of a gift and more of a fulfilled get the idea.

And guys...IT'S ALMOST CHRISTMAS. And I hear that Santa thinks these scones hit the spot after a night of delivering presents. So...yeah. Maybe be cool like Santa and eat scones Christmas morning.

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Something Saturdays (12/17/16)


Rewinding, though--last weekend Michael and I bought a snow shovel (thank goodness, since it then snowed immediately after) and then had dinner at one of our fave restaurants Burntwood Tavern (they just opened a location in Canton, where we live now, which is perfect since we loved the one in Cuyahoga Falls so much!) and it was deeeelicious! Sunday we also had dinner with Michael's co-worker, her partner, and their sweet little one year old foster daughter. It was super duper fun :) Then Michael had his final classes of the semester and we celebrated by doing nothing and me making him homemade ramen (I may share it on the blog next time I make it :P) Other than that I just worked and cleaned, blah blah.

Last night we kicked off the season by watching Muppet Family Christmas (our fave) by the fire and drinking hot chocolate. It was pretty lovely.

We're actually starting Christmas early this weekend: today we're celebrating with Michael's mom and siblings (his brother and sister-in-law currently live in North Carolina and are in town). Tomorrow we have Christmas with Michael's dad's extended family and then my mom's extended family. BUSY BUSY BUSY!

And finally, I will leave you with these pictures of Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively and their daughters because I'm obsessed with their adorable little family <3 

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Slow Cooker Chicken Noodle Soup

Slow Cooker Chicken Noodle Soup
I made chicken noodle soup! And it wasn't so bland that it was borderline inedible! IT'S A MIRACLE!'re probably all, "Kayle whaaaat are you talking about??" Well...I had a few unfortunate attempts at chicken noodle soup, a few years back, and they sort of scarred me for life and terrified me from making soup. Then I made some ridiculously yummy soups. So then it was just the basic CNS (chicken noodle soup, get on my level) that I was afraid of. Buuut...then I saw a recipe for homemade CNS in the slow cooker and I was like, "OK. It's time. Let's break this curse."
Slow Cooker Chicken Noodle Soup
I'm going to warn you all RIGHT NOW-this recipe makes like...a lot of soup. Much more than just Michael and I can really handle, BUUUUT you can freeze it. I poured it in a freezer bag (made sure it was upright and not going to leak) and let it cool COMPLETELY. Then I sealed it and flattened it and put it in the freezer. I now have a nice, flat, bag of CNS just waiting for when I need it. Which I sort of love. You never know when a random cold is going to hit! Or just a craving for some soup. And sometimes you're too busy (or, God forbid, sick) to make something and having that extra stash of soup in the freezer makes me feel safe.
Slow Cooker Chicken Noodle Soup
This week we got our first substantial bit of snow. And it happened literally the day after we finally bought a snow shovel. You see....we've been meaning to buy one for a while. But Michael was being super picky about it and didn't like any of the ones we'd seen. However...time passed....winter came...and I started to get nervous that we'd be stuck with a bunch of snow and no way to shovel it out of our new driveway. So we finally agreed to just go and buy one. And so we did. And then we woke up the next morning aaaand snow. So our new little shovel got christened quickly.
Slow Cooker Chicken Noodle Soup
And you know what's fun to do? Sit in your new kitchen, looking out at the snow, but knowing you're snug and warm inside, and eating from an even warmer bowl of comforting and classic chicken noodle soup.*

*With lots of crackers. Because that's who I am, as a person. I eat soup with lots of crackers. (Not as many as my brother, who usually just consumes moist crackers since there are so many that they've fully sucked up the soup...that's a bit too far for me.)

Monday, December 12, 2016

Holiday Gift Guides Round Up


It's the holiday season. And one of my fave parts of the holidays is giving gifts. I just LOVE it. And, over the years, I've shared a few different gift guides around about this time. SO...I figured...I'm going to share them all in one place with you...sound good? GREAT! :)

Homemade Holiday Gift Ideas (Part 1)

Homemade Holiday Gift Ideas (Part 2)

My Favorite Cookies {for the Holidays!}

And now, go, enjoy yourselves! HAPPY HOLIDAYS :)

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Weekly Meal Plan Menu (Week 42)-CHRISTMAS EDITION

Meal Plan #42 Christmas-main
CHRISTMAS IS COMING! CHRISTMAS IS COMING! And...we still need to eat. So we have you totally covered for the holidays!

This week’s meal plan was brought to you by:

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Something Saturdays (12/10/16)

GUYS-Christmas is only 2 weeks away-whaaat?! That's crazy. Luckily, my Christmas shopping is all done. So that's taken care of! How are you coming along?

If you were curious, our housewarming party last week went really well! It was primarily family and it was so fun to have so many people we love in one place (although, admittedly, it gave me a bit of anxiety to try to divide my attention between all the various groups of people). Everyone seemed to really like our new home and there was a CRAZY amount of food, and a lot of people gave us super sweet gifts and cards, which was so unnecessary but so nice!

I then sort of relaxed for a good portion of the week, because prepping for that party last week wore me out. I also might have bought a new upright freezer (My freezer that is a part of my fridge is stuffed full ALWAYS so I definitely need it) and a new faucet (my current one DOESN'T HAVE A SPRAYER--and is pretty dated). So that was sort of exciting, lol.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Chip Cookies {Levain Copycat}

Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Chip Cookies {Levain Copycat}
I've spent a lot of time singing the praises of Levain Bakery back in NYC. They pretty much the most fantabulous, GIANT, cookies ever. They're sturdy on the outside and somewhat underbaked and gooey in the centers. They're pretty much a phenomenon and I miss them like crazy. They have 4 different kinds of cookies- chocolate chip walnut, dark chocolate chocolate chip, oatmeal raisin, and dark chocolate peanut butter chip. I've tried all of them except the oatmeal raisin (because...I seems like the real wrong choice of the 4 if you ask me). My favorite is the chocolate chip walnut--which I've already posted a copycat for. And today I'm posting a copycat recipe for my 2nd fave: dark chocolate peanut butter chip....MMMMmmmmmm!
Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Chip Cookies {Levain Copycat}
The cookies are big. Like...beyond big. Like full-on GIANT. Because that's part of what makes Levain style cookies so amazing-they're huge and almost biscuit like on the outside, but gooey and slightly underbaked inside. And these ones are SO SO SO RICH. Super chocolatey, with lots and lots of gooey peanut butter chips. If you're the kind of person who drinks're gonna want a big glass. I, personally, just bask in the decadence. These are a show stopper my friends, not for the faint of heart!

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Something Saturdays (12/3/16)

Today we're hosting a housewarming party!! I've spent pretty much all week prepping and aghhhh I hope everything goes well! I made brownies, puppy chow, cookie dough balls, and sangria and a lot of our family are bringing food too. So no one will starve, at least. Eeeee Wish me luck!

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Salisbury Steak Meatballs

It's official. It took awhile, but it happened. Winter struck. So now it's chilly and there is sometimes snow and there are really only 2 things to be happy about with this wintry turn of events: Christmas and comfort food. Rich...warm....satisfying comfort food. And I've already decorated for Christmas so...until the's comfort food time. And these meatballs are TOTAL comforting deliciousness.
I'm not like a person who's into salisbury steak-it always seems like a gross cafeteria food that is shown on TV. BUT when I found this recipe for salisbury steak meatballs...they sounded pretty darn fantastic. With the exception of the fact that there were mushrooms in it and Michael and I don't dig the 'shrooms. So I changed up the recipe a smidgen by removing the mushrooms BUT to keep some of that flavor I used truffle oil. Which is one of my favoritest favorite things.
But forreals this recipe is pretty darn simple to make (there's even a slow cooker option, although I'm never patient enough for that), and it's quickly become a favorite of mine and Michael's. And considering how darned repetitive and boring my dinner options tend to get (picky eater alerrrrt), it's always nice to add something new to the lineup!
So essentially what we end up with are really rich and flavorful meatballs in a gravy-like sauce situation and I like to serve them over mashed potatoes/mashed sweet potatoes but you can also spoon them over some noodles or some such. You do you boo.

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Weekly Meal Plan Menu (Week 40)

Weekly Meal Plan #40-main You probably have tons of Thanksgiving leftovers and likely don't need much meal planning this week, but just in case we are here with lots of one pan meals that are full of comfort to get your through the cold lull between Thanksgiving and Christmas!!

This week’s meal plan was brought to you by:

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Something Saturdays (11/26/16)

Happy Thanksgiving week!!! How was your turkey day?

I started the festivities with a dinner at Michael's mom's on Wednesday with all his siblings + his brother Christopher's girlfriend, Katie. Then, on actual Thanksgiving, we had lunch with Michael's stepmom's family (SO YUMMY) and then dinner with his mom's side of the family. Lots of fun was had, lots of food was eaten.  (Speaking of yummy food--on Sunday, at Table 6 for my belated birthday dinner with my mom, I tried the chicken and waffles and it was a TRANSCENDENT FOOD EXPERIENCE. ahhhh)

Yesterday I binge-watched Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life (more on that at the end of the post), and worked. I also did some Christmas decorating this week-yayyy!

Today I'm kind of chilling and then my best friend (who lives in St. Louis) is coming over to see me and the new house! Extra Yay!

Monday, November 21, 2016

World Vision Gift Catalog-Giving the Gift of Giving Back!

World Vision Gift Catalog-Giving the Gift of Giving Back!
Rosemary's family were given 5 goats through World Vision Gift Catalog, and that changed their lives

Thanksgiving is this week. And it's the time we think about all the things we have to be thankful for. But-we should also think about all of those who aren't as fortunate. That is why, today, I'm going to chat with you guys about World Vision and the amazing work they do--and how you can help families in need merely by ordering from a selection of beautiful, handcrafted, gifts via the World Vision Gift Catalog! You can pick from over 250 poverty-fighting gifts, ranging in price from $16 to $39,000, and as a result you're improving the quality of life for struggling children and families in the U.S. and around the world. The money raised from the purchase of these handcrafted gifts goes to the Where Most Needed fund, which supports a variety of World Vision’s programs around the world. (Of course there are also TONS options to just straight up donate or sponsor as well!) Last year alone, more than 650,000 people were helped through funds generated by the catalog-now THAT is the holiday spirit! <3

This video helps give you the run-down on the gift catalog and how it works! ('s a cute video)

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Something Saturdays (11/19/16)

GUYYYYS-Thanksgiving is next week! EEEE!

But I'm getting ahead of myself. How was this past week for you? It's been pretty great for me! Sunday was my birthday and it was a great day-we had lunch at Table 6--which is now my new favorite restaurant. It's like modern with trends done in a classy way, if that makes sense? And the food is PHENOMENAL. I had a cheeseburger and truffle fries that were to die for and Michael had an amazing Monte Cristo sandwich with raspberry chutney and bourbon maple syrup. Then we shared their PB Insanity dessert: also SO.DANGED.GOOD! We actually liked it so much that we're going there again tomorrow with my mom for a belated birthday dinner with her. I think I might try their chicken and waffles this time! Anyway, back to my birthday-then we also put together a new cabinet to house my cookbooks that I got from Target and set up our office/loft area! I also got to FaceTime with my brother and his girlfriend on Sunday AND Monday so it was a pretty great week :) Monday-Wednesday I just got stuff done around the house (I also had a pasta sauce fail that made me so gosh darned frustrated I can't even talk about it....let's just say 3 batches got thrown out because they were all inedible. GAH!) Thursday and Friday I worked, and Friday web ordered a sectional!! It's sort of custom-ordered so it won't come in for another like 7 weeks but I'm so excited!!! 

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Salted Caramel Dark Chocolate Crack Pie

Salted Caramel Dark Chocolate Crack Pie

IT IS LIT. IT IS ON FLEEK. IT IS FIRE. IT IS COOL BEANS AND GROOVY AND FAR OUT, DUDE! All the things kids have said in recent and not so recent times to describe something that is just next level fantastic.
Salted Caramel Dark Chocolate Crack Pie
Ok, now that I've fully expressed the extent of my excitement, let me just give you a little info about crack pies. Crack Pie is a dessert that originated at Momofuku Milk Bar and it's essentially a gooey sugar custard filling in an oatmeal cookie crust. And it's addicting sooo I'm guessing that's where the name came from. And it's tasty, forreals, no doubt about it. pales in comparison to this version.
Salted Caramel Dark Chocolate Crack Pie
I'm so happy that I decided a salted caramel crack pie should exist. And that it would probably be too sweet and one note so I should add some dark chocolate to balance it, and add whole new levels of decadence. Sometimes...sometimes I have pretty good ideas. Gotta say.
Salted Caramel Dark Chocolate Crack Pie
So there's a crunchy ridiculously amazing brown sugar oatmeal cookie crust (which I baked with a little caramel sauce on it because why not), and then a layer of dark chocolate, and then gooey salted caramel crack pie filling. And salt on top. It's rich and sweet and salty and I love it so much and am so stoked that there's a whole other pie of this sitting in the freezer, waiting to be adored.

And look....I'm not saying you have to make it for Thanksgiving. But...I'm not not saying it, either.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Weekly Meal Plan Menu (Week 38)--THANKSGIVING EDITION

Weekly Meal Plan #38 Thanksgiving-main

SO-Thanksgiving is almost upon us!! Thusly, we though for this week's meal plan we'd share tried and true recipes for you to make and serve for Thanksgiving! Seriously...this is good stuff.

(PS-today is also my BIRTHDAYYY! Yayyyy! Happy birthday to MEEE!

This week’s meal plan was brought to you by:

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Something Saturdays (11/12/16)

The election happened this week. And that is all I will say about it. (Well...and I'll leave you with this blog post from Annie's Eats because it is so eloquent and true and perfectly summarizes my feelings.)

In other news, Michael and I didn't have any luck furniture shopping last weekend BUT we did have luck on Tuesday! There's a local furniture store that works with brands and is able to custom order stuff so we're able to put together the exact sectional we want for our living room, yay! Wednesday, to get out of my post-election funk, I hung out with Michael's mom and sister and we had dinner, which was nice. 

Tomorrow is MY BIRTHDAYYYYY and we're going to check out a new-to-us restaurant and then I'm going to have Michael help me with working on doing stuff for the new house--since it's my birthday I might as well utilize the leverage that gives me :P

ALSO-Thanksgiving is coming! If you're looking for some recipe inspiration check out this round up of Thanksgiving recipes, or this list of recipes for Thanksgiving and for Thanksgiving leftovers, or this list of Thanksgiving desserts! And check in for tomorrow's meal plan-it's a special Thanksgiving round up!

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Something Saturdays (11/5/16)

Hihiiii people! IT'S NOVEMBER! whaaaa?'s only a week and a day until my birthday! That's crazy-town.

How did you Halloween go? Mine went pretty well! I ended up getting out of work early so I was able to be at our house to hand out candy to all the trick or treaters-and I do mean ALL. I gave out approx. 150 pieces of candy. I almost ran out. It was A LOT. But um...when did kids stop saying "trick or treat"? Or even dressing up AT ALL. I'm serious when I say there were a good chunk of kids, young and old, just wearing jeans and hoodies-not makeup, no masks, nothing. I don't get it. The majority still had some sort of costume-age but I was shocked by how many didn't. 

This week was fairly boring-just getting stuff done. But I did make and photograph some recipes for this little bloggy blog so yayyy!

Today Michael and I are going to do some furniture shopping, wish us luck!

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Something Saturdays (10/29/16)

It's been a pretty darned good week! The wedding last weekend was super fun, in a gorgeous Columbus venue (I highly recommend Vue in Columbus if you like industrial, so cool!) Monday my cousin Brianna came over and hung out for a bit, which was fun. And Tuesday we hosted our first ever dinner in the new house-for Michael's dad and stepmom! I made roast, pierogi, and rolls and Jeanne brought a salad and apple pie and ice cream. Everything was so delicious and we had such a nice time. We even watched a little of the world series (I live about an hour from Cleveland so people are PRETTY stoked). Wednesday I ran some errands, which included upgrading my phone (I had an iPhone4 that was starting to act up, so I was definitely due): and then I had way too much fun playing with it, primarily with the snapchat filters :P Other than that I've just been working and stuffs. And TOMORROW is our neighborhood's trick-or-treat! Our first time having trick-or-treaters! There's lots of kids in our neighborhood so I imagine it will be busy. Michael's gonna have to do the first hour or so by himself (I work until 4 and it's happening 3-5) but I'm excited!

Sooo I've started Christmas shopping-is it early? I don't think so. Regardless, a friend of mine and Michael's has started up a facebook page to advertise his custom homemade wooden gifts (these include toys and also lots of other cool stuff) and there's some awesome ideas on there for Christmas gifts! Michael and I actually already own quite a few of his pieces.

I love Lin Manuel Miranda. I loved In The Heights. I love history. So it breaks my heart that I don't get to see Hamilton on Broadway. BUT I did get to watch this amazing documentary on PBS (which I watched online and so can you!) called Hamilton's America. It talks about the history, the process of making the musical, and it shows lots of clips from it. Love love loved it.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Dark Chocolatey Hazelnut Spread Stuffed Blondies #Chocmeister

Dark Chocolatey Hazelnut Spread Stuffed Blondies #Chocmeister
Ok sooo....I've documented that fall is not my favorite time of year. I know I know, everyone else in the world loves it. Sorry, all-it's not for me. HOWEVER-one small perk about the cooler weather and fall is that it's time to LET THE RICH FOOD COMMENCE! Bikini season is over? Eat all the yum yums! Plus we have Halloween and Thanksgiving--holidays largely known for eating an excess of food. And this is a thing I'm totally down with. SO, in the spirit of EAT ALL THE FOOD I made us some brown butter blondies stuffed with rich and gooey dark chocolate hazelnut spread (My new fave=PB & Co's Chocmeister). You're welcome :) 
Dark Chocolatey Hazelnut Spread Stuffed Blondies #Chocmeister
Admittedly, I made these blondies in my old house. BUT I still have to gush about how much I'm loving baking in my new kitchen-the counter space is downright intoxicating. There's the big old island that is the perfect workstation for all of my masterpieces-making even more complicated treats fun to make. Of course...these blondies are so far from complicated. I would have been able to easily whip them up even in my super tiny New York apartment kitchen, So gather 'round bakers with kitchens large or're going to want to give these blondies a try.
Dark Chocolatey Hazelnut Spread Stuffed Blondies #Chocmeister
So these are essentially deliciously chewy, yet somewhat crisp, brown sugar cookie bars made with browned butter (aka the thing that makes all other things better), studded with chocolate chips, with a layer of gooey chocolate hazelnut spread (such as Nutella, Nocciolata Rigoni, or-my choice-Chocmeister!) And then I topped the whole thing with some sea salt. 'Cuz that's what we do here.

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Something Saturdays (10/22/16)

Another week that went much the same as last! Lots of getting settled and enjoying the new house (especially the kitchen, I've actually been cooking a ton!)

I also had dinner with one of my childhood friends at The Crush House at Gervasi Vineyard-it was so pretty and the food was delish! I def. need to bring Michael! Then last night was a little hang out at a local pool bar with some of Michael's college friends. TODAYYY I'm actually helping with a wedding (I just ended up getting booked to do it this week) and I'm so excited! Hopefully it's not TOO cold!

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Something Saturdays (10/15/16)

Hello hello my friends!

This week had some relaxation (hooray!), fun/baking/cooking(yay!), and still more settling in and such. I finally got to really make use of the new kitchen which I AM LOOOVING. So much space! Seriously, all my dreams have come true lol. I even finally attempted my family's recipe for scrippelle which are ONE OF MY FAVORITEST THINGS. So I was stoked-it's gonna take some practice to get them just right but they were awesome :D Last weekend was fun-we went to my cousin's daughter's baptism and that was soo nice and then we ended up getting together with Michael's friend Lizzie and her new bf (in town from Colorado) and it was so fun because we don't see her very often and we hadn't met him yet. We all had tons of fun :) This week Michael and I also took a shopping trip for a bunch of stuff we needed for the house from Bed Bath and Beyond and also Home Depot. #byebyemoney

Yesterday I got to meet one of our next door neighbors-an older gentleman named Walt who seemed super nice (and like he's got the lowdown on everyone in the neighborhood, so that's pretty sweet) and we had Michael's mom over (and she brought us dinner. Because that's what she does lol). Super fun. This weekend I just work and Michael's gonna work on homework and house stuff. Super exciting.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Paleo Chocolate Chunk Blondies

Paleo Chocolate Chunk Blondies
...hi again. Erm...didja know moving sort of is a big time commitment and thusly I am terribly sorry for how scarcely I've been seen 'round these parts? Cuz's all true.

I'm kinda sorta super into paleo desserts. Like...I like 'em. I love coconut sugar and coconut oil and nutty flours and...yeah. I'm a fan. I feel like I'm eating something delicious and decadent, but I know it's not like....terrible for me. And that makes me a happy Kayle :)
Paleo Chocolate Chunk Blondies
I will admit that Michael wasn't huge on these blondies. But I think he's dumb and smells funny, so there!

...ok he actually smells good, but still, I think he's crazy for not liking these. But I guess that means more for me!
Paleo Chocolate Chunk Blondies
I mean...what's not to like? They're soft and chewy, with just a little but of crunch, and so much depth of flavor and gooey dark chocolate and...yeah. I'm a fan. ESPECIALLY when warm. Full support of eating these warm. Which...I mean...that's nothing new.
Paleo Chocolate Chunk Blondies
Michael and I are in the midst of attempting to be healthier, but I still need dessert sometimes. And honestly these blondies are the perfect thing. All I need is one and I'm happy. 

...I mean...I really want more than one. But, one will do :P

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Something Saturdays (10/8/16)

I've pretty much just been spending this week settling in and getting the house together! It's taken some time but the new house is finally starting to feel like home <3

Is it November yet?

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Something Saturdays (10/1/16)



Yeah. Big things are afoot. But let's rewind--last weekend I coordinated a wedding and it could not have been a more perfect day. Everyone was so sweet and appreciative too-days like that are why I love being a planner. 

And this week I've just been setting up our new kitchen, packing, moving stuff from the old house to the new house, and overseeing allll the new carpet that got finished putting in yesterday. And today is the day-we move into our new house!

I've loved the past 2 years and some change that we've spent in this townhouse-it was the perfect place to build our life in Ohio and have as our first home as a married couple. I love Cuyahoga Falls and am so happy this is where we've spent this time. I'll miss it but I cannot wait to be in our beautiful new house and even closer to most of our family! <3

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Something Saturdays (9/24/16)

We've just been cleaning and cleaning and packing and moving and yeah. Busy busy busyyyy! And it's only 1 more week until the big official move!

But, today I'm coordinating a wedding. It should be beautiful and lots of fun!

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Chocolate Stout Ice Cream

Chocolate Stout Ice Cream
My hubby likes porters and stouts. But he also doesn't really drink much, especially if there's no one drinking with him (and I don't drink sooo...)--so long story short, we've had a couple bottles of Michael's favorite milk stout sitting in our refrigerator since like November. And he had an ice cream craving. So I made him a treat!
Chocolate Stout Ice Cream
Here's a hilarious fact--this ice cream is technically somewhat alcoholic. Michael kept telling people that the alcohol cooked out and then I had to inform him that no...the ice cream isn't cooked at all after the addition of the beer. So technically yeah there's some alcohol in there. Then he asked if I'd been getting him drunk on ice cream and I gave him the eye roll to end all eye rolls.

Anyway, probs don't give this ice cream to your children. This is purely for adults.
Chocolate Stout Ice Cream
For the record--I didn't think the ice cream tasted like beer at all. I thought it was just super chocolatey, which I, of course, am always totally here for. Michael said he could tell, but who ever knows with that guy. Anyway-the ice cream is super dense and chocolatey and pretty awesome. And you can use up any stouts or porters you may have hanging out in your refrigerator. So it's pretty much good stuff all around.

Oh! And make sure you read these instructions before getting your hopes up for ice cream ASAP--the mixture needs to chill for awhile before being able to be put into the ice cream maker. Just warning ya.

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Something Saturdays (9/17/16)


We sorta kinda officially got our house !!!:

And then realized that we needed new carpets (the house is 5 years old but the previous owners apparently were just the worst because the house is definitely not clean and there are stains on ALL THE CARPETS). So that's been an adventure trying to figure that out and lamenting all the money we're about to say goodbye to. BUT we really like the new carpet we chose so that'll be good. Plus they have interest free financing for a year, so we don't have to say goodbye to all of our money right now lol. We've also started moving some boxes over there and got the locks changed and all the jazz.

And today we're entertaining at the new house for the first time becaaaaause

IT'S MICHAEL'S 30TH BIRTHDAY!!!!!! My sweet sweet hubby turns 30 today and he requested that his mom and siblings and I all hang out in the mostly empty new house and play games and eat! His mom is bringing tacos and burritos, I'm picking up wings, and I'm also putting together an ice cream bar (featuring homemade coffee chocolate chip ice cream at the birthday boy's request as well as my fave salted caramel sauce as one of the toppings for the toppings bar).

Tomorrow we're having my mom, grandma, cousin, and Michael's mom all help clean the house! It's a big job that I am nooot looking forward to lol.

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Something Saturdays (9/10/16)

EVERYTHING IS STARTING TO HAPPEN!!!! We're officially clear to close so next week we'll be closing, switching over all the utilities, and getting possession of the house!!! EEEEEEE!

And that means that the packing has begun. We're going to try to slowly move stuff over and then have a big move (with all the big stuff and the moving truck and such) on October 1st. 

In other news, the wedding last weekend went great! It was a Greek wedding/rustic barn was an interesting combo lol but so lovely! I also had a meeting with a bride whose wedding is in a couple weeks to go over final details, so fun fun! Labor Day weekend was so nice-we had the final pool party at my grandma's and then on Monday Michael and I relaxed and also got some packing done. Other than that I've just been working and getting stuff done!

I promise, I'll be sharing a picture of our new house soon! And sharing the many many projects and things that I want to do for it lol.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

French Onion Macaroni and Cheese

French Onion Macaroni and Cheese

I'm sorry guys. I know it's been like 2 months since I posted any new recipes for you and I'm seriously sorry-between this whole buying a house thing, various summer activities, and my brother visiting....I've just been sort of insanely busy. And I can't even say it won't happen again. We're still dealing with the house/moving situation (although we're officially going to be in possession of it on Sept. 16th!!) and life is just kinda crazy, ya know? So I'm just going to try not to worry about it and take it one day and one recipe at a time. I hope that's cool?

Cuz I love you guys.

Now-on to food.
French Onion Macaroni and Cheese
I just feeeeel like....onions make everything better? That's my opinion, anyway. They're so darned flavorful and delicious and make everything they're in taste amazing too.

I also want to like french onion soup, for this reason, but for some reason it never really quite works for me. But french onion MAC AND CHEESE? Yeah. That I can get on board with.
French Onion Macaroni and Cheese
And, shockingly, Michael really liked this recipe!! I'm shocked because 99% of the time he's not a huge fan of my macaroni and cheese recipes (he just wants velveeta....*sigh*). But--it's a miracle, he liked this! I loved it! And everyone in the kingdom was happy :D

It's just insanely flavorful macaroni and cheese (don't be scared of the gruyere-it's subtle. But also feel free to sub in a different cheese if you really want) that's creamy and has yummy yummy onions and is topped with buttery toasted breadcrumbs. Yessss.
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